Saturday, December 25, 2010


转个头来,2010年就快过去了。 又老去一年了。

赚来一个星期又四天的假期, 的给我好好修养自身,好好的准备下一个project的到来。


喜怒哀乐的一年。讨厌看书的我,竟然会买本林夕来看。 可能是被书的封面有所吸引。 可能吧~


望着垃圾堆般的房间,才发现已经废了大概一个月多了。整个月没整理。 哈哈哈....哈。


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Small sneaks

felt guilty suddenly....i'm suppose to finish my job and now i'm "cabut" back my hometown . Well it's hell on Monday for sure....*glups*

What happen ? ... Feels that i need some escape from town thingy , is that cause by my overflowed work ? or my life turning upside down? Regardless of what it is , i'm sure that i'll walk all by myself to overcome it.

I feel that my time is getting shorter and shorter , every time i plan something , it's always run out fast. Might be good or might be bad perhaps...*hmm*'s just the part of my job of being me myself...

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Do re mi

Do re mi fa so la ti tooo

yoah ~

1 month had passed and i'm lying in my hometown's bed for this things up.
Well , i've skipped 3weeks for not coming back hometown due to heavy work out in inspidea... *Geee*
Anyway it would be much more heavier this coming months..
Didnt expect to come back either...

I'm fine ! very fine... just that couples of time ago i've had my worst nightmare. It's seems that isnt over yet but i feel really better than before, Might call it a little sunshine after the rain?..

Inspidea's Monthly event had organized a ROCK BAND2 competitions which is a PS3 game. Require 4 band members to play instruments like drums , bass , guitars and vocal. Fun though ..Make my finger itchy and hoping to grab ibanez's
GRX70DX. haha

Wilson back from hong kong and bring me a book called - BLACK PAPER (黑纸) , i found it quite interesting though , and 1 more book called NO BIG DEAL (捞碧刁) which is from unkle beach , i guess it will be in my "to buy list" during my HK trip next year , which hoping it's still available on . Haha...suddenly soooo into books..

Black Paper
-Black Paper-

Someone asked me a question "how do you define happiness?" , Well ... It's profound question for everyone actually. But i'll be happy if i'm doing things right , and i'll wish that you do so.


Saturday, September 18, 2010


啊 ~ 雨季来临了吗? , 怎么这几天都是雨天啊~ 天灰灰的,有着沉重的感觉。






Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010



it's been 1month since i back from Pee Jay. Feel a bit unusual when i lay my 1st step into my room. Gee...

Frankly i just wanted to update my long lost bloggie ~ haha

OT and OT for the past few weeks.

My workflow...
*My work flow*

Retake and new scene it's filling me up....arr....


By the way...

Just brought NDSi recently .... My 1st hand held console ever... *wuuuhhooo*

*it's been a long time since i wanted it for*


Sunday, June 27, 2010


如果现在给自己一个小学作文题,我想应该就是这个吧 -“我的人生”。

在不久前,我还在责怪自己为何那么的失败,那么的不会做人。想着到底我的判断能力有问题?, 还是我命苦?面对了我人生中的一个大过错, 站在这十字路口,无助的摸样,心里笑着当初如何嘲笑你的无知, 一个月没有你的消息了。 还以为能够放下心中这个包袱。 开始明白这不是什么包袱或心中大石之类的。这算是种回忆吧。还是遗憾?

人终须往前看。面向后看了这么久。 好奇的在想:“怎么那么就还没看见你倒头望?”。


算了,也不想再原地打转了, 上几天听见朋友们在聊他们的家庭事, 得到的是人的感触。 为什么当别人一出生就的被命运玩弄? 然而我们还在埋怨上帝对我们的不公平?。 一个人生可以是彩色的。 有些人就拼命的在自己黑白片上挥洒颜色, 而彩色的却因少许的黑白而埋怨 ?生命在这世界上本来就是黑白的。


“文贤啊,放开你的大男人主义吧,放开你的任性吧 , 放开你的幼稚吧, 这样你的人生才会开心,这样才算是-活着”

Sunday, June 20, 2010

World Cup !

it's been a while since the 1 of 4 years FIFA world cup arrive. i still remember watching world cup 2006 along with few friends....and now one gone one went...

Okay ...speaking of World cup , it's a special moment for footballers or should i say "men" ?

Last week 17th june i watched argentina vs s.korea along with daniel in piccadilly. The match was awesome and i quite high at there... keep on shouting :D

After the match i went to wangsa walk for 3D's toy story 3. The story make me feel of how we treating our old toys back then... it's very meaningful.

Anyone wanna watch world cup with me? :D

*22th june argentina Vs Greece in piccadilly?*

Sunday, June 6, 2010


it's gunpla fever ! ..

Brought already 4 of the season1 gundam ,
and now hunting for season2 ....

0 gundam2

Seraphim gundam

seven sword or GN-swordIII?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


很伤心,有种被背叛的感觉。本俩可以手牵手的走向未来,却因为你的改变而舍掉了我。 才知道改变真的很可怕。 挽回的心,一次又一次的被打败。 很伤心, 毕竟这都是我的全部。
很不想去接受与我走了接近四年的人,一眨眼就分开了,很伤心, 毕竟一个关系很难维持,两个人在一起真的很需要缘分,坦白和信任。
谢谢你在这几年来的陪伴, 开心伤心都有你在身边。


Saturday, May 1, 2010



这天,回到了古毛,感觉好像恢复了缓慢平静的小镇,才两个礼拜就把这个小镇搞到天翻地覆。所谓的投选就是这样,搞到手了就很现实的拍拍屁股走人了。 突然心身感受到那种被抛弃的感觉。 人, 是否就是这样? 得到他们所谓的目的就的露出真面目?。

咳~ 事情过的很快,眼前所说的话眨眼间消化了,昨天所聊得中学话题,今天显然的很久,很久。 才短短的5-6年就把往事抛在后头了。 究竟我这几年过得怎样? 我本身也不知道。 所谓的人生本来就是值得回味的,值得从中学习过错。

或许我了解这一切有怎样, 或许我已经太迟了。 想象中的长大或许很残酷,很现实。很希望自己是朵莲花, 处于泥而不染。 洁白的莲花也是有生命极限的。



心里想的东西与嘴巴说的虽然不能一致,也让我了解到性格转变很难。 所谓江山易改-


Wednesday, April 14, 2010


先别怀疑我所说的小黑,它不是演员,或者某些传奇人物。 它是个一直陪伴着我的枕头。 小小的,黑黑的, 特别照顾我, 在我开心或伤心, 都有它在身边。

小时后的我,会吮手指头,会利用它来度过恶梦,会拿着它来安眠。 但是现在我长大了,学会了一种东西 - 独立。
我国都用了53年才独立加上现在所谓的1malaysia。 而我23岁才想通了,以前的我是那么的依赖别人,给了很多人不便的麻烦。

来得及吗 ? 只能说亡羊补牢,尽能力所为。

再见了,小黑, 也许没有了你我很难度过恶梦,但是我会靠着我的顽固来度过。 谢谢你陪伴着我度过漫长的童年,成为我长大的一份子。

P/S 妈妈只不过是那去洗而已啦。 一年后没洗的小黑。 *哈哈*

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Frontera Bar And Grill

On monday i went to Frontera Bar and Grill for dinner along with camie. We went and found no one there...yet (might be just open), We ordered each of us a meal
Frontera Burger
*My burger set*

Frontera Taquitos
*Camie's Taquitos set*

*My tequilla+coke?*

*Camie's dunno what liqueur*

And finally we tried out the super duper hot chicken wings...
Super duper hot wing
*Sibeh hot man !!!*

Feel like wanna burst outta flame after ate it.

Overall the quality is super nice! , Try it out once in a time ... lol

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Live life alive

I love being relaxing and slacking off myself back in my hometown , It's something like a holiday between working period , But the period being at my hometown is as fast as a bullet , it wont be enough for me to hanging around. breathing out and sharing the time with my family.
A dawn in Rawang
*it was like dawn in the evening*

Haha... i'm still alive ... after Chinese new year holiday i'm back for work again. hmm... let's list down what i did after chinese new year.
Yeah , i went to sungai petani for my mum's parents house, Ms teng's house for bai nian , Korean BBQ buffet for craving frogs food , and tenji buffet(unexpected food quality) , LJMU's convocations in KLCC , Inspidea angpau for rm5 .

Korean BBQ ~
*Mr D are preparing our foods*

Oh yeah ! .. i get my new toy as well
*a springfield M14*

Yeah...such life is enough for me.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

My Toy

Toys that i buy to fulfill my emptyness ...haha
*hatsune miku*

What a damn cute onion holder :D ...

Being dip into inspidea , i fall into transformer toyline's trap... Being addicted to transformer since when i'm small piglet , I still remember i was hardly get a transformer at that age. So i brought 1 for

My Lugnut

Transformer really ROCKS!

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Hello ~ ... It's a holiday saturday ! It's the one and the only time i can online T_T

Okay.... i'll short the crap , It's been 1 month for working in inspidea , Let's show my PC and some environment :D
Inspidea Pc
*My desk , Without mouse one leh...*

And this one is SS2 pasar pagi, Roughly 7-8am every thursday , I used to buy breakfast here.
SS2 Pasar Pagi
*look like night time *

And last saturday i went to penny's open house for BBQ with bunch of friends, Somewhere at melawati there. Full with mountain view ... *healthy-nya*

Penny New House
*some view outside penny's house*

Last but not least , I went to jaya one for Buying supply at cold storage, In the end me and my mum get lost inside. Somehow i thought this "Jaya one" should be a moved version of Jaya supermarket located near Digital mall ...But it's not ... *sigh*

*jaya one*

Rumors it's a hangout place for UTAR-ian ... *haha*

Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Start , My Start

It's been a period since i start my 1st job, I work in Inspidea as junior animator, It's an animations studio which was quite well known in Malaysia animations industry. Their work such as Mustang mama , Mat Kacau and Boo and me. If not mistaken it's show on Astro Ceria and Cartoon Network Europe.

I start working in 4th Jan last Monday. I am well receive and they did give me a warm welcome on that... *thanks dude*

I found something quite interesting, there are no mouse in my PC (which is all wacom based) , No internet in pc , *sigh* , There is no internet anywhere... This include the rent room which i stay along with my mum in PJ area. No internet !!! ...

I thought i cant survive without internet , Being a 21th century teenage , A lack of internet is like smoker without their lighter , or even gambler without transport going to genting. *forgive my lame comparatives* Haha~

Well , It's a new life for me , at least for me. I'm trying to suit myself into this situations . Working life is indeed exhausted in terms of physically and mentally , In which you animate a flash for the rest of the working hours. *it's really dragging my mind off*

Anyway . For those who stay in PJ , Please do ajak me outta yumcha or something . or else i'll like 24/7 operated pc without shutting down ... *boom* lol

*sorry for my bla bla bla ... but hey it's my blog what*