Then we start our journey the next morning 5am , After having a light breakfast and off we go cameron highland.
Reached the entrance around 10am and start to pack things up.

*you can see me wearing shoe..haha*
Okay , some short intro for the gunung. The gunung irau , At 2110m, it's the 15th highest mountain in Malaysia. The peak has a border marker shared by 2 states - Pahang and Perak. (well , most of the highest mountain also located in pahang), In order to go there you have to travel to Cameron Highlands and proceed to G.Brinchang by road.(yesh , by tar road , and according to my dad it was the highest Tar road ever in malaysia)
The trek was moistly and full with mud and dirt. Your trekking boots are 100% get dirt and mud and the trek is the most hardest trek i walk before. *phew*
Full with mud , you have to walk along with trees vine and having a stick in your hand is an advantage as it can help you a lot on muddy trek.
Unfortunately i didnt brings any camera along , all these picture was taken with my dad's 450D.
So the main character would be ..........
My mother....

*beginning of the trek*

*up and down , up and down and up and down*
Yeah , my dad was flora and fauna's snappers. So plants and animals are his best shot.

*monkey cup so big?*
Along the road are monkey !!! i mean Monkey Cup! .. Never saw so many monkey cup in my life !

*Some unknown flora*
I get lost with uncle simon in first , and i keep walking until my parents was left behind. In the end i was walking alone *haha* Parent are far behind and Uncle simon are far infront.

*luckly my dad was fast enough to snap a picture of me*

*and picture of me *

*The top of gunung irau , 2110M atas paras laut (above sea level)*

*the proof of me havent dead before top...haha*
Okay , The trek was killing me , Muddy and Hard to climb. I was barely alive back then, having 2 small bottle of water and keep nagging my dad for extra water , and nearly fall into valley.
Tough experience i had ...haha